Curve community launches proposal to add wBETH/ETH to Gauge Controller

Publisher: EAIOT Time: 2023-05-04 Category: Block Chain 651Views 0Comments

PANews May 4, 2012 - The DeFi protocol Curve Finance community recently proposed adding the wBETH/ETH pool to the Gauge Controller, enabling users to allocate gauge weight and mint CRV. this will deepen the liquidity of wBETH and ETH, improve transaction efficiency and facilitate synergies between the two assets. wBETH can be accessed on both the Ether and CoinArc smartchain networks and can be used to participate in CoinArc's ETH pledges through the wBETH token contract feature or directly on the CoinArc platform. wBETH is accessible on the Ether and Cryptocurrency smartchain networks and can be accessed through the deposit function of the wBETH token contract or by participating in Cryptocurrency's ETH pledge program directly on the Cryptocurrency platform.

Last month, it was reported that Cryptocurrency launched Wrapped Beacon ETH (WBETH) based on ETH pledges.