Google CEO cautions against rushing to launch AI technology Need for sensible regulation

Publisher: EAIOT Time: 2023-04-18 Category: AI 2718Views 0Comments

Alphabet Inc. and Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in an interview that the push for the adoption of artificial intelligence technology must be well regulated to avoid potentially harmful effects.

Google CEO cautions against rushing the launch of AI technology Reasonable regulation is needed

In the show's interview, to the question of which aspect of AI AI keeps him up at night, Pichai said it is urgent to develop and deploy it in a beneficial way, but at the same time it can be harmful if used incorrectly.

"We haven't found all the answers yet, and the technology is changing by the day," he said. "Is this going to keep me up at night? Absolutely."

Despite the industry's deep urgency, Pichai cautioned those companies that are embroiled in this competition. He has seen lessons learned about OpenAI's more direct approach and the launch of ChatGPT.

He said it was pointed out that such a powerful technology could not be launched because the community did not have time to adapt. "I think that's a valid point. I think there are some responsible people trying to figure out how to use this technology, just like we did."

In terms of the risks of generating class AI, he brought up what he called deepfake (deepfake) videos. He said such pitfalls illustrated the need for regulation.

"The production of deepfake videos harms society, and the consequences are inevitable," he said. "Anyone who has dealt with AI for any period of time will realise that this is something very different and so profound that we need social norms to consider how to adapt."