A German magazine editor-in-chief was fired after faking a Schumacher interview with artificial inte
aiArtificial IntelligenceGermany's Funk Media Group has fired the editor-in-chief of its magazine "Current Affairs". The magazine recently used artificial intelligence (AI) to fake an interview with famous German driver Michael Sch...
Category: AI 607 Views 0 Comments Time: 2023-04-23 -
Leading U.S. scientist Jaron Lanier calls for an end to the deification of AI and the dignity of dat
aiArtificial IntelligenceIn recent years, Jaron Lanier, an American computer scientist, visual artist, computer philosophy writer and futurist, and Glen Weyl, an economist at Microsoft Research New England, have developed the concept of "da...
Category: AI 622 Views 0 Comments Time: 2023-04-23 -
According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the tech industry has already shed 5% more jobs so far this year than in all of 2022. This rate of job losses is expected to surpass the number of job losses in 2001, which...
Category: AI 630 Views 4 Comments Time: 2023-04-18 -
Germany to invest €5 billion to strengthen its Artificial Intelligence Strategy and support private
aiArtificial IntelligenceGermany AIBERLIN, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Recently, the German government decided to make revisions to the 2018 version of the national Artificial Intelligence Strategy in light of the changing situation in the past two years and the r...
Category: AI 612 Views 0 Comments Time: 2023-04-18 -
Google CEO cautions against rushing to launch AI technology Need for sensible regulation
aiAI technologyAlphabet Inc. and Google CEO Sundar Pichai said in an interview that the push for the adoption of artificial intelligence technology must be well regulated to avoid potentially harmful effects.Google CEO cautions against...
Category: AI 2656 Views 0 Comments Time: 2023-04-18