What programming languages are used in IoT development?

Publisher: EAIOT Time: 2023-04-27 Category: IOT 574Views 0Comments

The rapid development of IoT has received very much attention, and companies have laid out the IoT industry with a blossoming of platforms, hardware, chips, systems and application areas. As an emerging industry, the development of IoT can be said to be very rapid. In order to provide reliable and high quality IoT applications, choosing the right programming language is the key, which programming languages need to be used in IoT development?

C is one of the important programming languages for IoT embedded development, it is a common language for software development and can be used in most of the embedded systems, it is a process-oriented programming language, the language needs to be compiled, does not require a lot of processing power, has features such as interoperability, rich libraries and portability. Suitable for writing low-level code, C is the programming language of choice for IoT hardware with low computing power and restricted RAM.

Based on C, C++ was born. The main advantage is processing power, solving the shortage of C in preprocessing, adding data abstraction and objects, replacing C when the project is more complex, suitable for writing various hardware projects, and is a popular programming language for embedded and IoT.

Python is a high-level scripting language, mainly oriented to data for IoT solutions, and has shone in recent years in IoT and AI applications, playing a driving role in IoT development, especially in processing and analyzing large amounts of complex data. Although Python is not as fast as C, it has a clear syntax, writes compact and easy-to-understand source code, can do more with fewer lines of code, is highly readable, is highly compatible with object-oriented, structured and functional programming, and is suitable for devices with limited computing power and small memory.

Java is the most common programming language for IoT development and is an object-oriented programming language. For gateways and cloud platforms Java is the preferred choice, allowing the development of applications for cloud and edge nodes, portability, a very wide range of application areas, and the biggest advantage of no hardware limitations and portability. For IoT applications, by using Java virtual devices, functional code can be ported to any chip for cross-platform use.

The features and advantages of Go as a new programming language are outstanding, providing optimized code that is ideal for small computing devices with limited power and memory, having high concurrency and running multiple data inputs and outputs simultaneously for complex IoT networks consisting of multiple devices and sensors.

Security has always been a major concern in IoT development, followed by connectivity and collaboration issues. Through the above we can find that C and C++ are used more in sensors and hardware devices, while python and java are used more in IoT gateway and cloud platform development.

Muvor believes that IoT development requires multiple programming languages, each with its own advantages. Although C and JAVA are currently the most widely used, they may change over time, so when developing IoT projects, we need to analyze the project requirements, understand the type of IoT of the developed application, and choose the right programming language according to these categories to achieve the perfect match between programming language and project to promote the smooth development of the project.

Tags: IOTCC++