OpenAI Company Accused of Not Taking Security Seriously, Failing to Disclose and Report 2023 Breache

Publisher: EAIOT Time: 2024-07-07 Category: ChatGPT 1160Views 0Comments

July 6 The New York Times published a blog post two days ago stating that The New York Times OpenAI Inc. had suffered a security incident in early 2023 in which attackers managed to break into OpenAI's internal email system to steal sensitive discussions of AI technology and research materials, but that the hackers did not gain access to the servers that host the AI code.

The security incident did not compromise customer data, and OpenAI did not disclose the security incident or report it to the Direction Disclosure FBI or other law enforcement agencies, but only notified its board of directors and internal employees.

In other related media reports, the security incident led to employees questioning OpenAI's emphasis on security, which became a new trigger that led to internal employee divisions.

One example is Leopold Aschenbrenner, a technical program manager focusing on AI security risks, who believed the company's security technology was inadequate.

OpenAI retaliated by firing the manager, and Aschenbrenner was later fired by the company after an unreported or unspecified security incident.